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History of Faminism

History of Feminism

History of FeminismFrom Ancient Greece to the PresentSéverine Auffret Hb | 646 pp | Rs. 799 Translated from the French original by Sourish Datta Originally published in French as Une histoire du feminisme de l’Antiquite grecque a nos jours by Humensis Séverine Auffret narrates her visit to Simone de Beauvoir, the author of Deuxieme Sexe (Second Sex), in 1965, […]

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Islamic Empire

Islamic Empire (7th – 11th Centuries) J. Martinez-Groz Hb | 310pp | Rs. 799 Translated from the French original by Deb Chowdhury Originally published in French as L’Empire Islamique by Humensis A Refreshing Take on History of Islam A Unique Understanding of HistoriographyCentering Islam In Islamic Empire Gabriel Martinez-Gros alerts us to the oft quoted

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South Asian Cosmopolitanisms

South Asian Cosmopolitanisms

South Asian Cosmopolitanisms Sources, Itineraries, Languages (16th-18th Century) Edited by Corinne Lefèvre, Ines G. Zupanov and Jorge Flores Hb | 464 pp | Rs. 999 Translated from the French original by Ann Leroux and Sourish Datta Originally published in French as Cosmopolitismes en Asie du Sud by Editions EHESS Is cosmopolitanism a child of western

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Classical India

Classical India

Classical India Michel Angot Hb | 320pp | Rs. 799 Translated from the French originalby Sangita Chatterjee and Nilanjan Ghosh Originally published in French as L’Inde Classique by Les Belles Lettres Contents THE INDIAN WORLD The Territory Called India History Society State and Political Organisation Economic Life THE INDIAN MAN Space and Time  Religions  Literature 

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